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Ulcers in stomach diet - lesions in stomach fare

20-12-2016 à 02:56:13
Ulcers in stomach diet
B complex tablets prevents ulcer from getting worse. You could also use anbesol, stings like hell for thirty secounds, then utter bliss. Chris - i was reading your post and i have the exact same problem at the moment. The other four families are porins, iron transporters, flagellum -associated proteins, and proteins of unknown function. On top of that my favourite things are coffee, chocolate, citrus, alcohol and spicy stuff. However, with using adcortyl toothpaste and mouthwashes of tcp, things seem to be improving. I began eating loads of fruit and today I have another pair of these painful ulcers. I even burnt one that was on my tongue for 3 weeks to see if it would heal, but it just stayed there for another week. Iglu works best for me as it doesnt sting and sticks to the area nicely, although its quite messy to use. Take care. These are all available over the counter in any Pharmacist. Iam Lecturing at the Dodoma University in Tanzania. With geographic tongue there is a map like appearance to the tongue, with red patches and sore lesions. If you keep getting mouth ulcers with no obvious health reasons, it could be due to food allergies. About a year ago I began to suspect something, and have paid attention to it, and have become convinced: Any time I go to bed with a stuffy nose, my mouth comes open while I sleep, and I wake up with an ulcer on the tip of my tongue and usually one along the side of the tongue as well. Games in the style of temple run and other endless racers are made for arcade mobile players. Drink water instead of soft drink or sports drinks. I PRAY FOR EVERYONE that suffers with this. He pulled my tongue out and started squeezing the ulcer. Grab this best illegal racer mobile game from google play for the android device. At one point I thought cutting my tongue out would be less pain than what these have done to my tongue. that should result in something. Please make sure that you do it the right way. Top endless racer games of this are published for teenagers and adults alike. Cure for Tongue or Mouth Ulcers ---drink lots of Water, Take B complex tablets, avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, hot rice or hot stuff, garling with Salt warm water will also cure, take breakfast regularly dont skip breakfast. Since this I have eaten grapefruit, tomatoes and had 2 spicy Indian meals. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins out of the blood. I will follow your suggestions and keep her rested, plenty of water and yogurt. well. Only when I miss drinking milk continuosly for 3-4 days, they show up. I have had an awful ulcer appear under my tongue a few days ago. I have been suffering from tongue ulcers all my life and this pretty much is the only thing that works for me. Diagram showing how H. I work on the phone for my job now and this is a serious issue for me. Been using salt, and this oral antiseptic called Kanker something, it numbs the area so I can eat, so its not all that bad. Alas they have returned although not as often now, at the mo have a penny-sized one on my tongue. But a few days ago, I got a big one on my tongue and it KILLS. Try Probiotics in a bottle from the vitamin aisle, or a yogurt. I will drop you the email of this powerful herbal doctor just in case you. I also suffered from a bit of heart burn, was tested for Hylobacter pylori, but was negative, these can also cause mouth ulcers. IGLU Gel - acts as a barrier cream on the tongue. Swish coconut around your mouth every morning for 20 minutes then spit it out. Lucy, London 23 November 2011 23 November 11. 45pm Singapore time), facing your comments, sitting here in misery initially - and sticking a PANADOL on it holding up a mirror, too. Tried all the mouthwashes going and creams, nothing really works just have to wait two weeks for the ulcers to go. I sufferd from mouth ulcers really bad as a child. I guess for any method to be effective, you have to have determination, persistence and self-belief. I decided to discontinue the vitamin D supplements for a week to see if they were the culprits, and sure enough they were. I happened to have left over remedies from Homeopathy called Mercurius Sol, there are all different types. Like i said it burns but the relief is unlike anything else. Also, apparently baking soda - with a few drops of water apparently it helps too. I get mouth ulcers all the time, however they are always on the inside of my lips or inside of cheeks. They look like spots in my mouth with white heads. It took my GP 8 years to finally think I should get this test. I think these late nights at my bfs havent helped. Initially there could be mild pain on gums or teeth which will slowly go away. These are all available over the counter in any Pharmacist. I think ill be trying peanut butter. I would highly recommend for those with large and recurrent ulcers that underlying conditions be ruled out. Not all of us can afford relaxing but it certainly has proved to me that this is a good cure not just a relief. Last night I was at my wits end with the pain so tried putting a blob of salt on it nearly hit the roof with the pain, not doing that again, however it did feel not as sore when I got up this morning. Pity really since when stressed is when I crave chocolate. I have also been diagnosed with geographic tongue - and I wonder if there are others here who suffer from the same condition. Just yesterday I had serious ulcers on my tongue. thank you. After many years I noticed that after lemonade they got worse the next day. I get ulcers every now and then, not as often as some of you do, but when I do get them, they seriously go to town. I also bought some Difflam mouth wash which is really quite good at numbing the pain. Burnt a little not as much as some of the products I have already tried, totally numbed my mouth for the rest of the day, evening and now the next morning the one on my tongue and cheek are shadows of what they were yesterday but the big crater I had in the crease between upper lip and gum is still there but completely painless. Going for a food allergy test to see if that is a cause, have been slightly less frequent since coming off milk and changing from toothpastes containing SLS. I was desperate as I was getting up to 10-12 ulcers at a time, all over my mouth and tongue. Has anyone come across a strong anaethetic that numbs the tongue completely for a few hours regardless of what you eat or drink. I know that they last approx 7-10 days so just have to get through it. Tried everything on here for these tongue ulcers and I just had to to say thank you to everyone that said rub paracetamol on it. It was unfortunate that I was still placed on strong analgesic irrespective of my warning. I can barely talk on the phone and if I force myself to do it, I exacerbate my ulcers significantly. Try ground Ginger directly onto your ulcer, if you dont have it in your cupboard it can be bought from most shops as it is a very common spice. Generally, I find that natural home remedies are the best when comes to treating ailments such as mouth and tongue ulcers and yes, sore throats as well. Coming from legendary Tbull this fresh illegal race fun game is the fastest endless racer mobile game of this world. It was identified in 1982 by Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, who found that it was present in a person with chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, conditions not previously believed to have a microbial cause. I have been using Corsodyl mouthwash too as someone recommended it and have started taking zinc and vitamin C tablets as it is supposed to help the immune system and maybe prevent the dreaded ulcer coming in the first place. However after a few months of perseverence I can honestly say that there was and still is a massive improvement. Then i would fill a cup with half water and half hydrogen peroxide and take a cotton swab then dab it on my ulcer. I am going to try gargling with salt water and using the baking soda. I am 33 non smoker quite healthy but keep getting these damned ulcers. This mouthwash has helped me a couple of times: Antiseptic mouthwash, chlorhexidine gluconate. I have had 5 ulcers on my togue and a few more under my lips for over a week now,. I found out a couple of years ago that I had Thalassemia Minor after taking iron supplements for years. Hi, My heart goes out to sufferers and particularly to children. Gargling with it stops sore throats (need to dilute it for this). Two of sequenced strains have an around 40- kb -long Cag pathogenicity island (a common gene sequence believed responsible for pathogenesis) that contains over 40 genes. I am sitting here hungry and in pain ready to try anything. I have found that putting turmeric on my tongue sores helps them a lot. I mentioned this to my Dr during my last visit and he assured me that long term use of this was pretty harmless so long as I take the odd break every now and again. THANK YOU everyone for your ideas and suggestions. Has anyone ever tried the butter or coconut milk option. pylori consists of phospholipids and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). 22 ulcers and counting. I used to think that I could have an operation or treatment but I have taken everything and applied everything I can. It numbs everything. I developed two nasty ulcers a couple weeks ago when I ate a huge red, juicy and very tasty tomato and blamed it on that. I have tried ice to soothe it and this seems to really help. The hygenist said she believed the sores are often caused by dental appliances(flippers, retainers etc. The practitioner would then exert pessure on my arm trying to get me to bend it. Any suggestions for a two year old with multiple tongue ulcers and a milk food allergy. For the last 7or 8 years have suffered with anything from two or three to multiple ulcers all over my tongue. Try a cotton bud with a big dollop of Vaseline petroleum jelly on and rub over the ulcer and surrounding area. IGLU Gel - acts as a barrier cream on the tongue. My natural inclination is to stress, wolf down my food, sleep little and do a million things at one time. Reading alot of these posts helps me to try and find something to help me thru this. My father has the same issue I do, but the non-SLS toothpaste prevented his outbreaks entirely (for over a year now). I have suffered with ulcers in my mouth my whole life. pylori virulence proteins. So any quick and natural remedies i can use. Get a mouthwash lid, fill it almost to the top with warm water and add salt and honey. I then went to live in spain and they just dissapeared. I would always get a tender month before an outbreak so if that happens now I stop eating bread and chocolate for a week and that nips it straight in the bud. I slept better last night than for a long time, too. Anyone else got any more causes for why we keep suffering from 20-25 mouth ulcers a month. I think the following cause increased acidity in my system. I asked the woman behind the counter at my local chemist if she has heard of squiggle tooth paste and she looked at me like I had just asked her if I could borrow a tenner. Again, twice a day, morning and night is recommended for serious ulcers. I have loads around the edge of my tongue and did have some on the roof of my mouth, which went nasty and bled. I had about 8 ulcers on my tongue caused by the side effect of a medicine. All i can think about all day are these ulcers and how to move my tongue so it doesnt hurt - the pain brings tears to my eyes. I have a Big Blister on the side of my tongue I have tried many things and nothing helps this is a Blister and its on my side of my tongue please help me out what can I do to get rid of it. Never knew toothpaste could cause ulcers going to look for non SLS paste immediately and I have stterimar so going to give that a try too. Im thirteen and the only thing I can get my mom to buy for me is Maalox. Extremely painful ulcers usually on the tip of my tongue. I am now now 24 and I have got to the point where i can not handle them anymore. To good to be true. KANKA is sold on-line and over the counter in all the big pharmacies. Hmm, Tmoore,if you are still checking into this site and read my post, please post and I would love to compare notes with you. I have found that these following methods work. I have not read all the posts but has anyone tried simple old TCP liquid antiseptic. Now, my tongue goes pale white and furry on the top, and rudolph the reindeer red at the tip. It also makes the side of my face and ear hurt too. Drive as many auto as you can imagine and race in multiplayer endless traffic racing fun. I think that stress is a big factor which aggravates my ulcers and citrus fruits dont help either. Things I have found most helpful are a fresh, clean diet, vegie juices, lots of water(with fresh lemon juice in it is good for the body), trying to reduce stress. I have been getting these sores in my mouth since December. Looks like I have ulcer in my stomach too. I seem to only ever get a couple of days off here and there where I dont have any. Great to hav found this site, in total agony at the mo, started with a couple, and now looking like a colliflower on the left side of my tonge. Ow. I find when I have a relaxed few days my health improves. When I think back, I think they started badly in my teens. The ulcers were so huge that most of the doctor said it might be a mouth cancer. After i did this to each ulcer, I used a mouthwash that i held in my mouth for as long as i could withstand the pain. In addition I have stopped drinking sugary cordial and replaced with 1 ltr water per day. i used this one night in desperation and it works. The doctor prescribed me some stuff in chinese, which I had a go with and felt little difference, however the advice was an excellent summation of other stuff I have encountered. Rubbing a Panadol (paracetamol) tablet on the ulcer worked for me. I tried to see if any food was causing the problem but the sores persisted after change of diet. Within 45 minutes after I did the first dose, my mouth already feels better. I was going to the doctors but it faded away that week but it just came back. This kills the ulcer tissue and the pain. I have a small tongue ulcer on the side of my tongue going on 2 months. I also uncovered a natural remedy called golden root seal that can be bought at Holland and Barrets combined with echinacea in the same capsule. The Ulcers can develop anywhere on the tongue, I find the ones at the side of the tongue are the worst as I keep catching them with my teeth when I talk or eat. Update - just splashed out ten pounds on a new product called Isy Calm. Literally, I cannot eat, talk, swallow and if I even just nudge it with my teeth, it feels like someone is shooting me in the tongue. should be a good supper. Anyways these days im having worst time of my life with ulcers. Just for me personally, I found alcohol caused my mouth ulcers. I was once suffering from CANCER and i spent a lot of money going from one herbal doctor to another but they all scam and take my money. This consists of forcing the area on my tongue harshly onto my teeth and rasping the crap out of the little bugger until it no longer pains me. Been to the doctors on and off for 5 years now and they just give me any rubbish to get me out of there. And try to gargle with HOTWATER then IMMEDIATELY WITH COLD WATER. I tried to google Vegimite yesterday and it seems to be an Australian product and they compare it to Marmite as it is a yeast based spread, so it would seem that Marmite should work. Minimising stress and getting 8 hrs of sleep each night when possible are certainly helping. The ulcers I can just about cope with, however I have recently been getting other symptoms which combined with the ulcers are making my life very hard work. I am currently struggling with a broken collar-bone but actually suffering more pain from a huge ulcer on the tip of my tongue. I am so sorry to hear about your painful mouth ulcers. Hello all, I have mouth ulcers everyday of my life since i can remember. Have been following an alkaline diet for 6 weeks. Now I rely upon Corlan tablets - they clear up my ulcer pretty well overnight as long as I put on on the ulcer as soon as it starts. Normally they come on every so many months, but for the last two months I keep them. Next, I recommend drinking warm honey, add a slice of lemon for added taste. Personally and so far, I think the PARACETAMOL seems to be the way forward along with L-Lysine, and a recommendation to the GP regarding Behcets Syndrome, maybe a scan thrown in for good measure. my mouth and tongue felt sort of numb and sore at the same time. I like this web site cuz it shows me im not the only 1 suffering silently. The white areas were gone, the ulcer got smaller, but the same pain would be there. This may not work for everyone but my father suffered all his life with ulcers and I had them from about seven years old. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. I can deal with pain (upt om point of course) but not fear (fear iof cancer). I ended up with Corlan Pellets which are Hydrocortisone tabs that are to take down the swelling. Things like cucumber, chocolate, caffeine could be allergic for most. I discovered on the internet that Echinacea which is proven to boost the immune system, can also prevent mouth ulcers. They discoered stage 4 cancer that only showed up in my lymph nodes when the scan was done. They were extremely painful and hard for me to talk or eat anything. Saw my regualr doctor he prescribes antibiotics which seemed to have worked. Bonjela is crap, but hanks for your advice for i-glu my bf gave some, but I lost it haha:(. :( So will now search everywhere for Frador, L -Lysine, Squiggle and Sarakan toothpaste. It will get rid of the ulcer, and will give you time to find the underlying cause. The squiggle is good, not irritating at all - L Lysine did nothing for me. Apps like endless racer give you with a unique opportunity to become the champion of roads. You should eat at least two a day if not three. Then the specialist gave me a spray which was horribly sour and painful at the first shot, then it would sooth the pain yet curing the ulcer at the same time. I know I am stressed at the moment and this seems to bring them on. I have been sleeping 5 hours a night, eating unhealthily and working really hard at uni, getting very stressed - then I got ill, and these horrible mouth ulcers. Everyone suffering from mouth sores is usually caused by two things. Take care. Also, the old Epsom salt and warm water is a very old remedy. I hope this information above will assist anyone in wanting to achieve a fast and quicker relief. world record attempt coming up I think. I once had an ulcer that spanned across my upper gum and it was agony. I usually get it in a powder form, but you can also use the turmeric root. I eat it, cook with it and use it for any and all of my skin problems. These terribly painful and sore and I NEED SOMETHING TO CURE THEM NOW. I just started getting these ulcers when I was diagnosed as an adult with ADHD so in otherwards when I started taking Adderall. Study of the H. I have not had ANY sugar, junk foods, chips in years. I suffered many many years with out knowing that. Asphalt overdrive shall crumble under your hot wheels as you race on countless American roads. However thats not much help for me right now,think im going to try iglu next it has some rave reviews i hope it helps i think my poor boyfriend would like a kiss lol. Hi, I have got a load of ulcers all under my tongue. I tried cutting out all gluten products and was ulcer-free for a few weeks, but now the ulcers are back again. I am still confused. Best of luck to you all who are suffering with mouth ulcers, I know how depressing it can be. Taking Vitamin B complex supplements made my ulcers and mouth sores go away. I have had a recurring mouth ulcer on the side of my tongue on and off since May of this year. In addition to using chemotaxis to avoid areas of low pH, H. Try 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for immediate relief. I used to have them all the time when I was young on my lips and inside my cheek, but never b4 on my tongue, so getting this one really threw me for a loop. It gives you nutrition and you only need to swallow. I dabbed a cotton bud in it and pressed each of my 6 ulcers for a couple minutes continuously. So only take them if your doctor recommends it. Went to the chemist (I live in Dubai) and they gave me antibiotics and painkillers, but they dont seem to have done anything, cant eat or talk properly, so just reading through all these posts I found one lady who has tried putting ground ginger on it, so have just done that and boy is it stinging, will persevere for now to see if it works. The bottle suggests you take 2 to 3 capsules 3 times a day which at first is a little inconvenient. Observe what you ate before this ulcer formed. Now I appreciate this may well make some sense to some of the females rather than the guys. REading these post makes me very sad. When I was at my worst it was the only thing that rendered me able to eat a meal. I also use a special toothpaste that does not contain SLS, which cuts down on the total number of ulcers I get, but does not prevent them entirely. And I could usually predict when one was coming. I had stomatch pain for almost 2 months and suddenly got a ulcer like bumb under the tounge near tip middle. Just swirl a bit around your mouth for as long as you can and spit. It used to take me at least 3 weeks to go through the cycle and heal, but now it heals in 5 to 7 days. Constantly get ulcers on tip of tongue and have tried everything. Proton pump pump inhibitors like lanzolprazole was the answer for me, ulcers all my life, til I took them in 30mg tablets, this was an instant cure for me. Had a lot of illnesses recently and i usually get mouth ulcers but 2 on my lips and 4 on my tongue at the same time is just taking the biscuit. Just swish around in your mouth for 20 seconds or so or use a cotton swab and dab on the sores. To say this is an improvement is the understatement of the year. but then I got my ulc- ----hey hang on. Until 2010, only about 55 transcriptional start sites (TSSs) were known in this species. Bex and Garry, please post once you find oil pulling working. Hey gise this web site helps me alot im 13 got a damn big crator of an ulcer on tip of tounge and around it got this white stuff:S. the results came back clear. But dentinox teething gel takes away a lot of the pain i used dentinox for the 1st time on my massive ulcer on the inside of my cheek and ever since it hasnt hurt that bad dont know if its just coincidence but after having the ulcer for 3 weeks,2 days virtually pain free after using it its starting to heal. I cant plan anything because I never know how bad they are goin to be. Of course, brush your teeth after every meal, gargle with hot water with salt inside. As well as the ulcers now forming a line down the side of my tongue, the whole of the inside of my mouth feels strange, no ulcers, just sort of numb. I get them quite often and have tried EVERYTHING including applying alcohol, peroxide, vinegar etc with a q-tip, all of which hurt like hell and seem to have made it worse. I find that IGLOO works quiet well but i have run out until tomorrow when chemist is open. to no avail, but, the scan showed my problem. Typically, you may feel itchy before forming ulcer which is indication of food allergy. Mine was from too much citrus and pineapple. It really works,Please try if you notice an ulcer is coming in your tongue or mouth. You buy it in the nutrition section of the grocery store. so I get an ice cube, put it in a freezer bag and stick it on the ulcer for 10 seconds then break for about 10 seconds then repeat. I seem to get a really hot face one day then the next it apears, it takes a day or so to get really sore and can stay anything from a week to 3 weeks. it gives some relief. Tonight I have started to rub half a paracetamol tablet (Anadin Extra broken in half) to the affected area and leave it on the sores for a few minutes - unbelievable, the pain goes away for a few hours. Naturally, I found this site looking for cures. how ive suffered with these sores on my tongue and ive done just abuat everything here that ive read about. Will try a few of the ideas on here, thanks folks. For over 10 years I have changed my eating habit, diet, sleeping routine, exercise, job and eventually got married just to reduce stress (all the docs I met tell me, it is stress, stress and stress). I will repost tomorrow as to how she is doing. Hi all, 44 and after continuous ulcers since age 12. I too like lots of people who have already posted am delighted to see Iam not alone in my suffering. High sugar items, chocolate especially combined with sugary alcohol such as dark rum. For sore throat relief, mix salt with warm water ( I find it at best ), gargle inside mouth 1-3 times, not swallowing and spitting it all out. On two occasios my mouth, throat and tongue have been covered. I have done it twice now and will put some more on before bed. Once again they are called Echinacea with Golden root seal from Holland a nd Barrett. Always guarantee I get them on the end of my tongue at least once a month but normally only notice the pain for a day. My mouth ulcers are certainly related to, but not restricted to, stressful situations, as well as hormonal cycles. I know it is supposed to be for external use but when in such pain I try anything and this seemed to help. xx. Like others have said they just start to clear and others come up. I was in pain for 1 month for my tongue blister and I rushed the paracetamol tablet on tongue the pain was gone after a day thanks for all who recommended. Hopefully tomorrow it will be perfect so fingers crossed. Guys it is all about the sour in your body. But happy now to find out that im among soooo many. So, for instance, when I apply my dental paste, I use the tip of a Q-tip. Talking and drinking I thought would kill me. I have had the most horrendous time with recurring ulcers since I gave up smoking over a year ago and tried everything. I booked myself an appointment with a practitioner. I was tested for anaemia and the results showed I had low ferritin (iron) levels. I always find that they appear more when I am run down or stressed out. I visited my doctor who stated there could be a number of factors that were causing the canker sores- stress, poor nutrition and not getting the proper rest. coli — antisense transcription occurs across the entire H. Trey chewing on a whole clove, or letting it sit between gum and cheek. Hello All, I was heartened to see this board, and have read the posts on it with great interest. Anyway, about 4 years ago, the problem switched from the walls of my mouth and lips to my tongue. So what I did was that I put a 2 teaspoon. I then stopped taking the iron tablets (it can be dangerous to over do it) then recently I started getting ulcers again. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. In spite of this there does appear to be a number of recurring things that are likely to cause this, which will be different for different people. got any useful household remedies. Fruit juices and fruits such as oranges, lemons limes ie any acidy fruit. fingers crossed. I indentified that sauces have fruit or citric acids etc. I used to have re-occuring ulcers all the time on my tongue and in my mouth, painful and depressing. So around age 45 cut back on all of these and read the ingredients on everything I was to eat and was surprised how many have added acid. The only thing I did different was obviously not drink tap water bottled only, and only drank uht milk. Cuase I have recently (2 months ago) had this painful lesion on left side of my tongue, near my wisdom tooth. I know what everyone will say tap water is the same as bottled, but here my story. Instead, try using dissolved aspirin tablets on the tongue tissue that is agitated, it normally kills the bacteria. thank you all and God bless u. Since then i get a week maybe 2 or 3 wks reliefe and only on my tongue i get ulcers. I feel human at last through years of suffering. It is then spit from the mouth, the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. You could be lacking in some vital mineral, or it could be due to certain diseases. I so recommend to anyone who suffers from extreme ulcers to get a consultation from someone who practice Homeopathy. Anybody else ever have this sort of experience. I am 25 F and have suffered from severe recurring mouth ulcers for almost 10 years now. Just dab it on neat. Last Wed I got THREE after morning tea at work. Anbesol is painful but amazing- Bongela but stronger. Since then I will have daily one glass of milk and ulcer will not come back. Tonite going to try salt direct on ulcer and baking soda directly on ulcer (just put some in your hand and add drop or two of water and put paste directly on the ulcer). Argument with a girlfriend or something acutely stressful, and two days later, presto. Tried SM-33, Kenalog, but feel salt most efficacious. Put the paste in as soon as you feel like the ulcer is starting and within a day or 2, its gone. The ulcer becomes white, then after a few days of trying not to itch it and applying gels, and ice I find that the top layer peels off. But the damn mouth ulcer heals then comes back. I am 81 years old and have had mouth ulvers from time to time. I have suffered with Geographic tongue for last 11 years, I am now 40. But I cannot live a completely stress free life. I have tried loads of different lotions and potions and many courses of antibiotics but it never goes. If you do this 3-4 times in the day, last time before bed I assure you the ulcer will be gone by morning. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Good luck to all of you, whether you try this remedy or not. Hello, I suffer from tongue ulcers at least three times a month due to stress and my menstrual cycle. I fully agree with Stuarts above lifestyle changes. Now the likelihood is that what we have is a cacophony of different issues resulting in similar bouts of pain in the mouth. Its cheap,painless and works for me. There just might be an underlying cause of these problems, and these people will be able to treat it for life. I no longer take the vitamin D capsules and have not had any ulcers for over a month. Twice a day, morning and night is recommended to aid in rapid relief. It is a salty pickling spice, it somehow after a couple of applications will take the pain away, and help them heal. and i dont know how much i can take the pain, lol. Make sure drink plenty of water ( 8 glasses a day ) helps. My mom suffers from severe ulcers as well and the only thing that she found that helps is Larydol Spray - its an echinacea spray for throats but she says it numbs it and helps the ulcers go away faster. Ive had them for 4 days now so its early days. water, warm tea, nothing acidic, no juices etc. This hurts like crazy for a few minutes and continues to sting for up to an hour, but the results are astonishing. Traffic: Illegal Road Racing 5 is the fastest street race games since traffic racer. But in my experience, they only make a difference after the ulcer is already there. Unless you have experienced it, then you have no idea, so nice to know we are not alone. It usually comes in crystal form (like a rock) if you buy it from an Oriental store. (Still did nothing to relieve the agony I was suffering) I explained to my doc that my stress level is usually high due to the demand of my job. I have tried bonjela so far but no better yet. Please, I need a stress free, easy, child friendly, mild, nice tasting and quickly healing cure for these annoying ulcers. Bought the holland and barret tooth past dr organic someone recommended, shes also using that now. 2) Triamcinolone Acetonide, which is a dental paste with steroids in it. I lost my sense of taste which I sincerely need your help to return my tongue to normal. I was hoping i could find the reason and stop them all together. One suggestion based on how you said you treated them: you can definitely cross contaminate in your mouth and cause more ulcers. I have used everything that you ladies and girls have used and I have also had the tip frozen off by the NHS to see what causes it. It so frustrating as i am sure mine are not stress related but no one seems to know why they crop up. I have had a problem over the last twelve months with recurring ulcers on my tongue. Up until a few years ago, my ulcers were very painful but infrequent. The docs put me on some medicine, but thats about all ive done. Then straight hardcore listerine hold for 60 seconds until burn goes away. So it prob is the cause but I SUFFER with these. but it works for me. But then thankfully there was this doctor who really knew the root cause and asked me not to worry. I hope i can finally stop the ulcers from coming back. It really works for me, actually really well. My bottom lip is covered in them and I am suppose to be getting married in less than 2 weeks:(:( any suggestions will be welcomed. Whisky is a good for numbing the pain - and I mean dabbing it on not drinking the bottle although I guess that works haha:). Taking painkillers on their own did not help much. He also prescriped a pack of oral steroids just to aid the healing since I have been suffering for 7 weeks with this. Back to ENT today, and I was sweating it. My condition became worst in that I developed severe driness of the throat. Usually one B complex a day keeps things in check, if I miss days (sick etc) and it flairs I need to take it at every meal and within a few days it will seal over. Very sad as I love a glass of wine, but I was plagued with ulcers all the time. The nurses felt sorry for me and gave me an extra shot of morphine which was very effective pain relief for 1 night. It took two days of putting it on twice a day and the ulcer was gone. Other remedies are to put neat bicarbonate of soda, my nan swore by it, again it hurts like a mother but its supposed to get rid of them. Firstly, keep drinking fluids. I mostly just get them on the sides of my tongue and just recently I had an episode of something on top of my tongue as well that was almost like having a burnt tongue with cuts on it. However, since taking Chinese Herbs last year they have really reduced and now barely bother me at all. Garry Collins 37yrs old, SouthWest France 9 June 10. 3) Zinc zinc and more zinc. But the paracetamol trick eliminated most of the pain now and I will do the same if the pain returns until the ulcers are gone. I lay down on an exam table, I had to raise my right arm in the air and she would lay a little glass bottle of food on my bare tummy. Growing up, I was always told to do the saltwater or alum technique and both seem to have the same results, extremely painful when applied, slight numbness for 2-3 minutes, reduction in the size of the ulcer but no reduction in the amount of time before they heal. The crystal you just dab it, the powder you just place a small amount and keep it there for for as long as you can and then rinse with water. ) but not so much as an allergy but that allow less oxygen to circulate around the mouth. I went to the doctor again today and am now waiting for a referrel letter from the hospital for a biopsy. Salt: whether you use it in warm water or straight salt (straight salt is obviously going to be more painful) it only destroys the infection on top and exposes the cut clean and may make it bleed, which is good if you have something to put over it like bongela etc. To make things worse every time i do eat i end up being sick and this is unbelievably painful on my ulcers. On top of that, make vegetable soup with lentils or beans and blend. She had blood test and has vitamin d deficiency. Though if they progress to more than five large ones on the tip of my tongue, I have a terrible habit of biting them off and agitating them. Put a gob of dry baking soda on the sore, then lean over a sink with your mouth open and the sore exposed to air for about 5 minutes (even if you have to hold onto your tongue to keep it exposed) (hold it with a piece of gauze to keep your fingers from slipping). The first thing I tried and it works is Debacterol (prescription only) but it is very painful to use. I am however going to try this Squiggle tooth paste. cutting, stinging it, burning it, applying anything that hurts it seems to satisfly something inside us. As of right now I have like four all in the same place but three of them seemed to have merged into one mega-ulcer on the tip of my tongue. After trying every product you can buy, I have got some relief from applying Adcortyl gel to the ulcers. I finally found one that is free of sodium lauryl sulfate. tasty. Edogun who cured me from CANCER with his herbal medication, after doctor Edogun has finished preparing the herbal medicine, he asked me to send him my residential address, so that he. I have found doctors to be of no help except for the ones in hospital when I was very sick. Going for a food allergy test to see if that is a cause, have been slightly less frequent since coming off milk and changing from toothpastes containing SLS. I ordered the canker patches from this site but am having trouble making them stick. Anyway, I have just applied my usual treatment and again it has worked. Also another medication i have tried recently with excellent results especially at night is Difflam Spray, this medication is used for the treatment of painful sore mouth and throat conditions, it is easily sprayed via a nozzle around the ulcer area for rapid pain relief, it has helped me enormously enabling me to sleep, eat and drink freely again. I have a huge sore on the side of my tongue which started as a bad ulcer. I do believe this about stress, if i am stressed out one day then bang the next day i am hit with an ulcer. We tried vitamin tablets, bonjela and tablets from the doctor and so on, nothing touched them, my father suffered all his life. The cag pathogenicity island (PAI) has about 30 genes, part of which code for a complex type IV secretion system. My tongue suddenly came out in small ulcers last Mon and have continued to come, saw the Doc and was given mouthwash which I had to beg for. My stress levels are thru the roof right now, with relocating, but my ulcers have stayed tolerable since I started taking them.

Hi All, I just wanted to let you guys know that I also had similar problem way back in 2003. I had been taking the vitamin D orally for six weeks around the same time the ulcers started appearing. Hope all are without any of these ulcers by this time. I have now been ulcer free for 1 week which is amazing, attributed to using Saraken toothpaste and mouthwash both SLS free. Any suggestions will be appreciated and I thank you. I was sceptical but was at the end of my teather that I would have given anything a try. Although these hurt a lot, I can still eat and talk, just have to avoid it. Because their are about 5 on the tip of my tongue and I absolutely cannot get rid of them. Good luck, and may all your tastebuds be functional:). Alot of work stress has coincided with this new condition. I have suffered with major mouth ulcers for 30 years. Tums tablets let them dissolve on your tongue. any one Help for Good Treatment. Do this before bed, and it will be bearable by morning. It actually gives me 2 to 3 hours relief. I am also trying the new bonjela complete,,,this nips awful when i put it on but it gives a good 15 minutes relief from the constant pain. You may not know you have food allergies even though you may have been eating same stuff for life. Every type of test that could be done had been done. Any of you good people have a suggestion for a remedy at the office. (yuck) As a recruitment director I talk a lot and it is so uncomfortable at times. I am convinced that what you put into your mouth for eating is what you get out in life. I rinsed out the grains of garlic from yesterday and applied some of the garlic juice from the jar, again, burnt a little but now it is totally numb and I can at least foresee getting through the day. On Sunday was prescribed an ointment of some sort (very expensive) and a mouth rinse. Began on cheeks, inside of lips and then on tongue. IN FACT, WATER ON AN EMPTY STOMACH IS A REMEDY FOR NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS. Good luck. The best treatment for me was using Kenalog and drinking chamomile tea. However the one on my tongue is refusing to budge it hurts to swallow,talk,eat or drink and im a horror to be around at the minute,the thing that set my tongue ulcer off was a cheap pure orange juice its done it before but i didnt see the link so im going to avoid it at all costs from now on. Not in a big mush with little spaces inbetween it looks like my tongue, like enlarged tastebuds but they feel like ulcers. It has cleared my heartburn but I now have a tongue ulcer and feel sure it is the red grapes. however this was a temporary solution. It started about a year ago- I could feel spots in my throat and then the ones in my mouth started in December. An applicator with a gel which promises to sooth and protect and put a protective balm without pain. Mostly they have been on the underside of my tongue both sides, but at worst the whole mouth was covered. I have gone to the local all-rounder doctor but he just gave me a few medicines and a soothing agent that helps for only a hour or so. I wanted to try the Frador but cannot find it anywhere. It sometimes will help when nothing else will. I have now been to the doctor and she has given me antibiotics, and Aciclovir tablets. As a pharmacist in America with mouth ulcers, I would recommend your dentist prescrible a Magic Mouthwash with Lidocaine. Now I rarely get one a year and if I feel one starting I stop the following which I believe increase the acid in my blood and they go away. Ive tried bonjela and salt water rinse to no avail, just cause more pain:-( Im trying an old wives tale tonight of honey. He said to give up on the pills of the previous doctor. Ive found that listerine helps a little for sores on the cheeks and lips but not on the tongue,bonjela is useless for all of them just really hurt me. We keep the spray in the fridge, it was prescribed to my son last year for a sore throat, so whilst suffering the other night i thought i give it a whirl, brill. says I am all good. I have just fin a week of anti viral tablets Aciclovir, ulcers are almost gone but whether that is just the end of a cycle remains to be seen. Am suffering tongue ulcer. Notably, 27% of the primary TSSs are also antisense TSSs, indicating that—similar to E. Went to the Big W yesterday, and I just went through every bottle of toothpaste. My doc prescribed me a multi-vitamin to be taken daily and 50,000 mg vitamin D capsules to be taken once a week. Been suffering with mouth ulcers since I was 14 now 19, I have tried everything. Mainly at the back of the throat and found difflam oral rinse works wonders for that. Anyway I tried TCP and it was very releiving but tastes awful, but it helped take the pain away for awhile. Today, 2 days later, they are virtually gone, even the ones that were just begining to come up. Constantly get ulcers on tip of tongue and have tried everything. Have your doctor check you out with a cat scan. but now when i drink tea. The cagA gene codes for one of the major H. under my tongue, there still lies that ulcer that has been killing me. I also have some success with cider vinegar it I catch the ulcer early on. Do not think toothpaste in my case as so infrequent. Bit about my history with apthous ulcers, and a couple suggestions. Then in 2012 I had knee pain which made me to visit the hospital and on each visit I will tell my care giver (Dr) that am an ulcer patient. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. I came from the Philippines and the remedy that we have comes from Alum. My throat was loaded with the most painful ulcers I ever experienced. I know you guys are going to hate this idea (specially if you dare try it) but it works for me and ive been through all the bad senarios mentioned above and am just about to do it again. I was in France recently, had an especially large one on my lip (nice) and others in my mouth. I had stomach ulcer in 1992 which subsided by strict adherence to the well tolerated foods. The tongue feels extremely sore and swollen, and feels worse when citric, hot or spicy foods are eaten. Currently I have a bad outbreak of ulcers all over my throat, mouth, tongue and lips. Been suffering with ulcers on my tongue for many years. The package says you can use them every two hours, but for not more than 7 days total. Next i would take some orajel and put it on the ulcer. AK If the ulceration has spread to the outside of your lips, I suggest you check your toothpaste, sounds a bit daft I know, but, seriously check to see if it has SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) in it or cocamidopropyl betaine. Its been waking me up for like three days straight like 4am in the morning. It was just becz of deficiency of follic acid and vitamin B12. I may try to phase tea back in at some stage. Just a quick post to say I appreciate all the input on this page. I have used it on little swollen cuts on the side and underneath of my tongue as well with great success. However I started using squiggle toothpaste about 3 months ago and am noticing an improvement. Thanks everyone for contributing and letting me and the world know of such an effective treatment. That blackmores vitamin I mentioned I bought at a pharmacy here in Sydney, and it seems to be helping. A moth prior I was diagnosed with vitamin D Deficiency. Virgin Coconut Oil with kill it and heal it. The main problem is everyone wants to cure something from outside, whereas we need to cure the reasoning of ulcers in the first time, from inside. In desperation I purchased Do not waste your money as I did. mind you I am mixing it with difflam spray and anbelsol and brufen and paracetamol. Recently, I had them tested for herpes and that came back negative. Also I have started going to the gym which helps my mental state, reduces stress. you had to be careful to let it dry with your mouth open as if it mixed with saliva you ended up with purple teeth and gums. I now do oil pulling everyday and now I hardly ever get them. I used to apply Bonjela, Anbesol or Iglu to the ulcer. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. and it was so yummy. I know exactly how you feel. Iglu is a really good treatment for them. Thank god im not the only person to suffer with these vile things. The ulcers i can deal with, its the stinging all over my tongue thats annoying me. My tongue ulcer is always in one spot under my tongue, it is either RAW or sort of sealed over, when it is raw it i So painful, I have seen all sorts of doctors and they always say it looks like some sort of trama, So many many years ago, I found that vitamin B taken regularly seems to keep it under control. But a week later the pain was back with ear pain at times. Difflam mouthwash sometimes gives a little relief to help make eating easier, but I did have 10 days of just managing water. Keep strong Libby, I know it sucks, try not to let it get you down. My 4yrs old suffered from mouth ulcer for 4 days,sleepless nights for 4 nights, a big thank you to all those that said paracetamol works,I tried it by gently rubbing it on his tougue and voila no more pains. I too was suffering from painful RECURRING mouth ulcers. Anyone have any ideas on how to cure this. Gargle for 30 seconds-1 min and repeat every few hours. Hello, i am Patrick from US, All these post about HERBAL MEDICINE and spell casters are scammers and fake trying to collect money all in the name of CANCER cure and when you contact them, they will be asking for your name, pictures, country. I sprinkle cayenne on cooked chicken, steak etc for flavouring instead of sauce. My 5 year old son has been crying for the last two days with tongue ulcers all over his tongue. The pain at one stage, especially those on my tongue, was excrutiating. But I make sure to use a new Qtip side for each area. The pain rode like a wave thru my head but i kept at it. I have been working quite hard over the last month, in work and at home and I have lost some weight in the process. Has anyone come across a strong anaethetic that numbs the tongue completely for a few hours regardless of what you eat or drink. He said he takes fresh garlic clove, cuts it in half and puts it straight on to the ulcer. For mouth ulcers, follow the same method and apply similar technique. The last dental hygeinist said to try L-lysine but to take bigger dose than recommended and to take it with a multi-vitamin. This site has been a godsend as now I know Im not the only one who suffers like this and the tips are quite informative. I think if the irritation could go away, then the ulcers would clear up alot quicker. Heres a few things i did to ease the pain. Anbesol is painful but amazing- Bongela but stronger. I can not tell if that helped because my mouth has been burning so bad. Difflam doesnt touch them. You can swish and spit 4-6 times a day (probably numbs your whole mouth) or just dab it on your ulcers or our tongue. So last week I have been constipated, lovely subject, I know, but. They are ok for 1 ulcer but not 15 like I have at the moment. It clears after 4-5 days and goes to the other side. If you get them you get them and thats it. Cant believe my entry was erased due to my wording, really wanted to know how to get rid of these damn things and your help has been. Just puncture the capsule and squeeze it on. I remember my 10 year old nephew got them real bad, felt soo sorry for him his whole tongue was riduled with ulcers. At the moment I am really fed up with them. L-Lysine, all kind of mouth washes, SLS free toothpastes, etc and nothing worked. I have recently been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. No doctors in the UK has ever suggested that. I used to get ulcers all over my mouth when I was a child, thought I had grown out of it, however in the past 12 months I have been in agony. Last night I got up 3 times and garlged with hydrogen paroxide diluted with water - try your own strenghts - this has improved the pain and im going to keep doing it today will let you all know the results. It is very sore to do, but works a treat (for me anyway). Like other typical Gram-negative bacteria, the outer membrane of H. And vinegar Xl. With the pills or the yogurt, your ulcers, white tongue (thrush) lips blisters, should all go away in three five days. I just stop smoking 10 days ago and this is inevitable. I have been suffering since I was a child and now I am 38. Try it. So hopefully it helps you guys you can only try. I have been talking strange and today my lips and face is all swollen. I have been using ice and drinking really cold ice water. I am Yusuf Ramadhan, I treat all types of ulcers using traditional medicine. About 6 mnths ago i was on 3 different antibiotics and my mouth exploded with ulcers. After the first capsule it was such sweet relief. You can even brush it after the first treatment. I contacted a friend who is a pharmacist and they recommended to take 10 ml of Maalox, and 10 ml of liquid Benadryl, mix them together, and swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds. I used to suffer from months of ulcers with anything up to seven or eight at time, struggled to eat or speak. By the way- reading the part about stopping eating chocolate and bread, I had a chocolate sandwich the other day. I hate water but thats the only thing i can eat. Dab your wet finger in some bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), and then put it straight against the ulcer. On Monday my dentist filed down and polished the remaining bridge and things are slowly but surely getting better. I have been allergic to Nitrates for many years, you know no take-away, as it causes me immediate mouth ulcers, excema ect. I used salt recently and it actually seemed to make it bigger. I have 4 ulcers on the side of my tongue and one of them is right at the back and unreachable - i have tried bonjela - rubbish - orbase - rubbish - Orajel which numbs the mouth but doesnt seem to improve the ulcers. I landed on this webpage and within 30 minutes of that my pain was 90% gone. Its a paste that your doctor or dentist can prescribe. When one finally seems to go another pops up. If you apply it 2-3 times a day your ulcer should shrink very quickly. Rub salt on to the ulcers, it may sting for a bit but the salt will reduce the ulcers because of its anti acidic nature. Hi all, I stumbled upon this site this morning and have been reading the messages throughout the day. I am now nearly 37 years old, used to be a company director in London but five years ago moved to the French countryside, the stress less life made no difference, still get mouth ulcers most of the time. I too have a huge ulcer on the right of my tongue, right beside one of my back teeth, and its the most painful one I have ever had, I do get them now and again, but this one beats the lot. After 7 days on the Nystatin, they went away. They can be quite difficult to get hold off as most chemists need to order them in. It hurts like all hell but quickly passes. All the best everyone, and I really hope that we all manage to find a way to avoid, cope with or treat this debilitating condition. Different doctors have different recipes but they all consist of Benadryl liquid (antihistamine), Maalox liquid (for coating), Nystatin liquid (antifungal), and Lidocaine (for numbing). I cut all gluten from my diet and from that day on, I have had no new ulcers. try it. Basically the practitioner had little glass bottles full or different types of foods and ingredients. Stop using Sodium lauryl sulphite toothpaste, yes that means your coulgate toothpaste. My diet is 100% vegan, raw and cooked vegetables, fruits, nuts and juices. I have a large ulcer on the side on my tongue and have tried the vaseline today and found some relief. H. So I did some research and tomatoes are part of the Glutamate family. But the easy solution was to start drinking lot of milk. J. Everything. Seen the fourth doctor who at last has referred me to ENT consultant. Just gargle salt water for about 20 sec per night and hopefully it will go away in about 4 days. Hi, my mane is Phil i have also suffered from mouth ulcers form a very early age, even now at fifty years old i occasionally get the odd one or two somewhere around the frontal tongue area. One at front of my lower lip and a massive, massive one under my tonge. One more thing that has worked for me is to put vitamin e straight on my ulcers. Or it might just be really bad mouth ulcers with nothing more serious behind them - but you owe it to yourself to have it checked out before something worse has a chance to do more serious harm. I think if the irritation could go away, then the ulcers would clear up alot quicker. I have been diagnosed with tongue ulcers last Monday. I have discovered that I have many sensitivities to foods including onions and nuts You can try a food illumination diet to discover if you are having issues with any foods. I am to taking the vitamin D gel once a week for 8 weeks and I am on week 4 tomorrow. I read that people with digestive diseas are prone to them. So if you find any products here like the squiggle toothpaste, could you post where you buy them on here. About two years ago, when I heard about the possibility that SLS was contributing to them, I switched to Verve Ultra toothpaste - it tastes great, works well, and is SLS-free. We can send men to the moon but we can not pinpoint these painful holes on our mouth. however this was a temporary solution. The doc has said i might hav glandular fever. If a Dr suggests rinsing in salt water I will also laugh. Hiya, i dont know if this may already have been mentioned on here. Having just gargled with soluble aspirin I shall now try as many other remedies as I can find. I put some bonjela on it earlier but got only 30mins respite from it. I will take zinc tablets and buy zinc lozenges. No doctor or dentist could diagnosed what the problem was. Anywho rant over:) Am going to try this oil puling thing. Anyway we carried on with this and she wrote down all the foods that did agree with me. My Qtips bills are thru the roof, let me tell ya. I came across this web site by chance - fed up with the pain of an ulcer on my tongue. The past couple of years they have been getting worse and I sometimes feel a bit sick as well when I have an outbreak. Look at this link to understand how to do oil puling. Number two. Immunohistochemical staining of H. I went for a biopsy to see if i was celiacs. I tried the following, not sure which actually worked but I no longer get them and I used to get them on the sides of my tongue on a regular basis. Im also going to get toothpaste without Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in and also the Boots ulcer treatment. And finally which I definetely believe helped was using a silver tipped nitrate stick from the doctors one week ago. You can buy in any supermarket and it REALLY gets rid of your ulcers in a few days and stops the pain as well. Stumbled on this site looking for something new to try. I have had them in the past but not like this. For tongue ulcers, dip and flap tongue ( tongue swirling I call it ) at least 3 times in warm salty water mixture to aid in rapid relief, not swallowing and spitting it out. I go on holiday in 2 days and want these to go ASAP. They are on the edge of my tongue and all over the top and now they have started coming up at the back of my tongue and throat. I even got up in the night and run my tongue under the cold water tap,,,this did not help,,,,lol. Gly-oxide usually helped but not with the ones on the tongue. the need for numbness, the dribbling, crying, not moving, talking, eating, everything. First, the ulcer hardens up and turns white, then it becomes numbs and within a day or two it just shrinks away. Yesterday when I was reading the messages on this site I was weighing up my options, zinc supplement, vitamin B12. take coconut water, buttermilk. Luckily for me I do not have them often, but I can only sympathise and imagine what hell many of you must be going through when you get several at a time, all the time. If you give it a shot let me know how you get on and I will go out and buy the Marmite. I am though very troubled because one ulcer has been there for awhile about a month it seems. It works for about two minutes to numb it and does nothing to get rid of them. I got strep and on the 5th day of antibiotics, I got thrush. The pharmacist also suggested dispersible asprin to use as a mouth wash for pain relief. I have suffered with. Treating it asap is the key to this paste. Affecting eating, drinking but most of all talking and a feeling of being so snappy. Does anyone have any advice for reducing ulcers on the outside of lips. My daughter is auditioning for Colleges: Carnige-Melon and several other vocal conservatories in three days. I have applied for registration with Tanzania food and Drug Authority. And then, yep just like you all the ulcers arrived. For me I think stress is a cause, and chocolate. They occur mostly when I am sick, run down, or stressed. I only go on the high side of 2 weeks between out breaks if I am lucky, and I am sick and tired of the damn thing. My doctor prescribed a topical gel to be applied on the cankers and Ibprouphen for the pain. I agree with you Chrissy, natural toothpastes like fennel are best. Look it up online there are lots of other health benefits too plus whiter teeth. Your tongue will get numb at the affected area and you can move on with your life. yOU WILL START SEEING THE RESULTS AFTER ONLY A WEEK. Currently, I have about 15 ulcers on my tongue and most of them are on the tip. The taste is tart like an unripend fruit and it might sting a little during the first treatment but it really works. Tried most of items suggested, nothing works for me. I apply a small (ouch) bit to an ulcer and then keep the bud propped so the fluid does not run out of the end - in a fridge - then I keep dabbing whatever I can stand on the other ulcers (it really is unbelievably painful - but God it works). I could not talk and could not eat, nothing gave me relief and i was having the worst time i ever had with ulcers. My Dr. I am sipping tea and trying to keep my tongue still, but we have Marmtie if this will work. Will sting like hell for a minute, then go numb. and I have been having tongue ulcers. Is there a link between ulcerative colitis and mouth ulcers does anybody know. I found it to last nearly 3 hours, and then I lowered the dosage to 3 of the 5 beads, which lasted about the same. Turned out I had an excess of iron which would not cure my inherited blood disorder. For example I have coffee allergy which I did not know until I was 28 yrs. I used to apply Bonjela, Anbesol or Iglu to the ulcer. Mum a lot happier, mouth was covered, was so miserable I felt so bad for her. However, I must still have a good level of bad bacteria in my mouth because I keep getting an ear ache, tongue pain and sore throat on one side of my throat. But any doctor who prescribes you acyclovir for them (I had a doctor do the same thing) is only guessing. Firstly I brushed my teeth using my kids toothpaste (coz i dont have any of that squigle toothpaste). I tried the salt water thing and it stopped my mouth being so sticky and dulled the pain a little (after the major stinging). When I started tracking my cycle, I realise they are particularly bad at certain times of the month. Tonight I have started to rub half a paracetamol tablet (Anadin Extra broken in half) to the affected area and leave it on the sores for a few minutes - unbelievable, the pain goes away for a few hours. She didnt have a clue what I was talkin about. All of these things only aggravate the sore. I had to hold my lip out every so often as the feeling of my lip pressing against it was awful. One is too much citric acid in the stomach, So back off on the fruits and fruit drinks. Meanwhile, I just happened to have some licorice and ate a bit of it because the posting above suggested that and it is very nice on these nasty things, and it does help. I had mouth ulcers when I was much younger but they came back with a vengence several years ago. I found that putting ice cubes on the tongue ulcers reduces them and numbs them if you do it go about half an hour putting ice cubes on them. Just found this site and it is most interesting, as I too have been given the 50,000 mg of Vitamin D, by my MD for a very low blood test of Vitamin D deficiency. There are 5 b-b sized beads per dosage, and they melt in your mouth in a bit more than a minute. Now I will relent and buy the only thing that does work the bad ass cotton bud. Most of them numb the ulcers, but none of them have healed the ulcers. I have suffered from mouth ulcers for years. Helicobacter pylori, previously Campylobacter pylori, is a gram-negative, microaerophilic bacterium found usually in the stomach. pylori harms the stomach and duodenal linings by several mechanisms. I have been drinking until then, but become so sensitive only after 28 yrs. This time, Im very run down due to stress at work and lack of sleep. Hey Debbie. I can even stop them from coming on if I put the turmeric on soon enough. I suffered from cold sores since I was 3 years old. A couple of years back I was so disheartened with the lack of effective remedies out there that I decided to look for a natural remedy. Anyway, while all this has been very distressing, and I have kept my spirits up by reciting the promises of God. My tongue gets covered in tiny ulcers (they look like little white pin heads). I take 1000mg L-lysine twice a day and one multi-vitamin daily. I have ulcers now too, really small ones on the tip of my tongue. in them. My dentist rekon, as i have bad joints as well, that it is some kind of auto immune disorder. Oh thank God he can have a good night rest today. One of those times I had two weeks off work and the other I had a month off and spent 3 days in hospital. Pity we all have to have stress and problems in life. I used bonjela and gargled soluble painkillers to ease the inflammation. pylori genome. Hurting it is an instinct that is hard to overcome. He said it is rubbing on my teeth so he wants me to put dental wax on my teeth for a few days to let the ulcer heal up more. I did not even begin to experience these until after 2 years of being 100% sugar free, dairy free, yeast free and wheat free. This site is very informational although the ulcers sound quite different in some instances. The Ulcers can develop anywhere on the tongue, I find the ones at the side of the tongue are the worst as I keep catching them with my teeth when I talk or eat. H